Sisyphus 2.0

Sisyphus 2.0 is an interactive sound installation that invites questions about technology, artistic authorship, and physical toil. Originally created for a commission by Arts Brookfield, the 6 ½ foot steel sphere is programmed to “sing” in response to the way it’s rolled along the ground. Internal accelerometers read the coordinates of the sphere and activate different sound files based on its position. The piece rewards sustained interaction and over time, a person can learn to “play” the sphere like a musical instrument.

Sculpture & Fabrication: Melanie S. Armer
Composition & Programming: Stephan Moore
Dynamic Lighting Design: Christine Shallenberg

A prototype of the sphere was exhibited at the garden of sonic delights (caramoor). It also toured two sponsoring festivals: Playa del Fuego in Delaware and the Figment Festival in Philadelphia, PA. It was constructed at The Wurks in Rhode Island and galvanized by V&S Taunton Galvanizing LLC.